QAA Certified by UGC-Nepal

Clinical Law Department


Since the inception of Kathmandu School of Law, Clinical Law Department existed as an integral part providing legal aid services to poor and needy people and engaging students in experiential learning through its two clinics; Prisoners Legal Aid Clinic and Victims Legal Aid Clinic. From 2001 A.D. to 2010 A.D., five years LLB course was implemented where clinical works subject was introduced as a non-credit subject. Till 2010 A.D. students voluntarily choose to enroll in clinical works subject and engage in the activities of the two clinics of KSL.


From 2011 A.D. with the introduction of BALLB course in Kathmandu School of Law, Clinical Legal Education is a credited and compulsory subject for the students pursuing B.A. LL. B course from first year till fifth year. Following student centric approach, the Clinical law department aims to bridge the gap between the theoretical knowledge and the practical knowledge which arise in the legal profession for the young lawyers. Clinical legal education in KSL is a unique blend of practical, experiential pedagogy. Professor In charge for Clinical Law Department, a coordinator of Department and seven clinical faculties are responsible for running the academic cum field aspect that holds ten practical subjects of five years B.A. LL.B. Course as listed below.



Academic Activities under Clinical Law Department

Course Credit


B.A.LL.B 1st year

Field Works

  1. Street Law Program
  2. Court Visit
  3. Slum area Visit
  4. Lawyer Client Counselling Observation

50 marks


B.A.LL.B 2nd year

Field Works

  1. Detention Center Visit
  2. Prison Visit
  3. Reform home visit
  4. Prison Management Department Visit

50 marks

Case Study
Field Works

100 marks


B.A.LL.B 3rd year

Field Works

Community mobile clinic in remote area

100 marks

Civil Moot Court Writing

50 marks

Professional Ethics

  1. 5 days Seminar classes
  2. Research in BAR, council, Court and law firms

100 marks


B.A.LL.B 4th year

Field Works

  1. Legal literacy program in remote village

100 marks

Criminal Moot Court Writing

100 marks


B.A.LL.B 5th year


  1. Research for Writ filing
  2. Field Works (Law Practice, Preparation of Writ, Internship)
  3. BAR Council Preparation Classes and Professionalism Development

50 marks

Trial Advocacy

  1. Different stages of civil cases and Criminal Cases
  2. Trial Advocacy of Writ Petition

50 marks


As of now, Prof. Geeta Pathak Sangroula is the Professor In-Charge and Asst. Prof. Gyanu Gautam is the coordinator managing the entire department along with planning, coordinating and implementing clinical legal education, clinical services and clinical activities of Kathmandu School of Law.