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Spirit of Art

July 11, 2020
Spirit of Art is an online event where law students perform different forms of Arts like singing, reciting poems, playing instruments, beat-boxing etc. The program is organized to give mental relief to students during this pandemic. This program is organized by all the law colleges of Nepal with 5 years course collaboratively along with Amnesty International Fusion Youth Network, Cognition Clu

International Confluence of Academicians - 2020

July 01, 2020
The international confluence of academicians comes as an initiative from the Kathmandu Dialogue Alumni Association in collaboration with Kathmandu School of Law and asia blogs. Owing to the cancellation of the third edition of the Kathmandu Dialogue due to covid-19, the KD alumni took this initiative to continue the learning process and the legacy of summer school despite the pandemic. The Kathm

KSL Talk Series - Decoding Casteism

June 19, 2020
Kathmandu School of Law in collaboration with Cognition Club and Amnesty International Fusion Youth Network brings the Episode 1 of KSL Talk Series on "Decoding Casteism". Caste system deeply rooted in Nepalese society has always brought differences among the people which does not justify the feeling of unity in diversity. Casteism has always been an issue for discussion in Nepal. Bu

South Asia Short Course on Refugee Rights And Advocacy 2019 - Report

August 27, 2019
The Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network organised its second South Asia Short Course on Refugee Rights and Advocacy in Kathmandu, Nepal from the 13 to 17 June 2019. The main objective of this Short Course was to strengthen participants’ understanding of forced migration in South Asia through a human rights perspective, to build capacity and knowledge in advocating for the rights of re

KSL Student Participation - 8th International Youth Champions Anti-Trafficking in Persons Conclave

March 25, 2019
KSL Student Participation Eighth Annual International Youth Champions Anti- Trafficking in Persons Conclave at Kolkata, India March 13th – 16th, 2019 With the joint partnership of U.S Consulate General, Kolkata, Shakti Vahini organized Eighth Annual International Youth Champions Anti-Trafficking in Persons Conclave with the motto of 'Working Together to Combat Human Trafficking'

KSL Seminar Series

February 14, 2019
KSL Seminar Series – 01/2019 SEMINAR ON NEW DEVELOPMENT PARADIGMS AND HUMAN RIGHTS KSL Outreach Campus, Kavre   On 19th January, 2019 more than 50 youths, came together and participated in the One-day Seminar titled “New Development Paradigms and Human Rights” at the Outreach Campus of Kathmandu School of Law, Namobudhha, Kavre, Nepal. The Seminar was inclusive o

November 30, -0001

November 30, -0001

November 30, -0001