QAA Certified by UGC-Nepal


Assoc. Prof. Gyanu Gautam

Contact: Suryabinyak-4, Dadhikot, Bhaktapur, Bagmati, Nepal | 01-6634455, 01-6634663

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Designation: Associate Professor


Mr. Gyanu Gautam is Associate Professor at Kathmandu School of Law. He is the Coordinator of Clinical Law Department in Kathmandu School of law (KSL). He teaches Constitutional Law, Law on Good Governance, Professional Ethics and Clinical Works subjects for 5 years B.A.L.L.B. students. He has officially visited various countries including China, India, Bangladesh, Denmark and Thailand in capacity of Faculty of KSL and has participated and facilitated seminars, conferences and workshops thereon. He completed his L.L.B. and L.L.M. degree from Kathmandu School of Law.
He has the experience of working as a researcher and Field Communicator in "Enhancing Good Governance and Human Rights Protection in Security Agencies and Criminal Justice Actors in Nepal" project (2014-2017) jointly implemented by Kathmandu School of Law and Danish Institute for Human Rights. He worked as Clinical Attorney providing free legal aid to poor and needy people in KSL Human Rights and Criminal Justice Clinic from 2013 to 2015. He was the President of Nepalese Law Student Association (NeLSA) an umbrella organization of all law students of Nepal from 2013-2016.


Research Projects

  1. Engaged as a Researcher and Field Communicator in "Enhancing Good Governance and Human Rights Protection in Security Agencies and Criminal Justice Actors in Nepal" project (2014A.D.-2017A.D.) jointly implemented by Kathmandu School of Law and Danish Institute for Human Rights.


Chief Editor /Editor

  1. Editor of the Nepali Booklet on “केहि मैलिक हक सम्बन्धि जानकारी पुस्तिका”, Published by Cognition Club  and Supported by Kathmandu School of Law, 2076B.S.
  2. Chief Editor of the Nepali Booklet on “नेपालमा विद्यमान नया कानुनहरुको संक्षिप्त जानकारी”, Published by Nepalese Law Student Association NeLSA and Cognition Club  and Supported by Kathmandu School of Law, 2075B.S.
  3. Editor of the Booklet "Beginners Idea on Law", Published by Thinkers Society, 2012A.D.
  4. Chief Editor, of the "Journal on the Volume of Right to Food", Published by NeLSA in association with Food First Information Action Network (FIAN), Nepal, 2013A.D.
  5. Advisor, of the ‘NeLSA Law Journal on Foreign Policy of Nepal’ Published by NeLSA, 2016A.D.
  6. Chief Consultant of the Nepali Booklet “स्थानीय सरकार र सुशासन” Published by NeLSA and Supported by Kathmandu School of Law in 2074B.S.
  7. Chief Consultant of the Nepali Booklet “नेपालको संविधान २०७२ को बिशेषताहरु” Published by NeLSA and Supported by Kathmandu School of Law in 2073B.S.


  1. Report Prepared and Published on “An Analysis of Judicial Trend on Issues of Right to Food” for Food First Information Action Network (FIAN) Nepal, 2014.
  2. Report on “A Study on Restructuring of State in Nepal” submitted to National Society of Nepalese Jurist (NSNJ) on 2069B.S.
  3. Research Report on “Building Alliance against Women Trafficking in Nepal” for Social Justice and Development Centre (SJDC), Sindupalchowk, 2068 B.S.


  1. Published a peer reviewed article in कानुन अन्वेषिका, अनुसन्धानमुलक कानुन पत्रिका on topic “अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय कानुनको रोहमा ब्रिटिस गोर्खा सैनिक सम्बन्धी कानुनी र व्यवहारिक पाटोको विष्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन”, Publisher A journal in Nepali Version of Kathmandu School of Law in 2076 B.S.
  2. Published a peer reviewed article in  कानुन अन्वेषिका, अनुसन्धानमुलक कानुन पत्रिका on topic  “मैलिक हकको परिदृश्यको एक विश्लेषण” , Publisher A journal in Nepali Version of Kathmandu School of Law in 2075 B.S.
  3. Published a peer reviewed article in Kathmandu School of Law Review (KSLR) on topic “Understanding the quintessence of Clinical Legal Education; Nepalese Experience”, Publisher Kathmandu School of Law in 2017A.D
  4. Published an article in NeLSA Law Journal on topic "Philosophical Foundation of Foreign Policy & International Relation and Nepal’s Position" Publisher Nepalese Law Student’s Association (NeLSA) Nepal, in 2016A.D.
  5. Published an article in NeLSA Law Journal on topic "Concept of Right to food & Role of the state; Nepalese Perspective" Publisher Nepalese Law Student’s Association (NeLSA) Nepal, in 2014A.D.


  1. क्लिनिकल कानुनी शिक्षा, Published by Lex and Juris Publication, Nepal, 2019.

Research Interest/Research Area

  1. Human Rights,
  2. Professional Ethics,
  3. Constitutional Law,
  4. Good Governance,
  5. Clinical Legal Education