QAA Certified by UGC-Nepal



Duration : 2 years

KSL offers one year interdisciplinary M.A. Programs in Human Rights and Conflict and International Humanitarian Law. The programs facilitate the scholars holding Masters’ Degree in any discipline from any accredited university to pursue academic as well as professional career in these areas of study.
The programs aim at generating qualified human resources to contribute in the area of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Laws with a correct concept and essential contents including practical implementation strategies of human rights in general and, in the context of Nepal, in particular. The programs aim to impart knowledge on the contemporary relevance of International Humanitarian Law, practical implementation of human rights norms, humanitarian assistance to conflict victims, monitoring of human right violations, prosecution of heinous war criminals through International Criminal Court with an orientation of different modules of peace building in the context of increasing threat of terrorism and internal conflicts.
KSL has been implementing activities to contribute in conflict transformation and peace-building process through manifold academic means. It considers Human Rights not only a subject of law but also a cross-cutting subject of various disciplines of academic persuasion.